A young girl was surrounded by 14 dogs. The moment the girl raised her hands to the skies, a miraculous event took place.

A young girl was surrounded by 14 dogs. The moment the girl raised her hands to the skies, a miraculous event took place.

The similarities between the human and dog brains explain why people and dogs have been best friends for ages!

Since humans and dogs have coexisted for more than 30,000 years, scientists have identified one of the reasons for this mutual understanding between the two species: incredible brain similarities between humans and dogs have been found.

Dogs respond to emotions revealed by speech in the same manner as people do: research suggests that both dogs and humans have similar brain locations for this process.

This is how the extraordinary bond between a little child and numerous German dogs is explained in the film. The young child is having a blast playing with the 14 dogs, and the video goes viral online.






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