Jamie Farr looks ‘great’ at 88 and says prayer changed his life

His father would often save the ends of cold cuts to bring out to the hungry people in their neighborhood. Farr explained: “In those days, you didn’t call them homeless – they were tramps or hobos – and they would stop in, and my dad would make them sandwich. They would ask if they could do anything in return, and my dad would say, ‘No that’s perfectly all right.’”

Farr was born in Toledo and spent much of his youth making jokes in the face of young peers who mocked him for his nose. It was his faith in God that led the boy and eventual young man to pursue acting.

“… I believed God had called me to be an actor, to entertain – even help – people. And I’d worked hard at it,” he said.

Eventually, Farr’s hard work paid off when he was cast in a 1992 production of “Guys and Dolls” after Nathan Lane had to step out. Farr was hired as the other actor’s replacement for the character of Nathan Detroit in the Broadway revival.






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